Queued Up

A video game magazine for reviews, upcoming news, and more.

Queued Up

Design Type
Branding, logo design, UX/UI design


Design a blog website over the topic of our choosing.


Queued Up is a video game blog website that covers the five main genres of video games: racing, horror, shooters, sports, and open world. Found on each genre page is information on game updates, new upcoming releases, content creators, and an opinions section where one can post what they think about their favorite, or least favorite, games.


When we came up with the idea of Queued Up, we were furious looking for a way to get all the news we wanted in the gaming world. We wanted to make sure we were covering the big titles, but also the smaller titles to help them gain attention.


The group project was split up among five people, each one covering a specific genre of video game; I specifically covered open world games, and I wrote the top article on the home page. We wanted the website to feel like you’re at an arcade with the neon colors, and we needed to focus on the feasibility of the navigation and the readability of the articles we were required to write.

